Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Indy became old - and boring

Last week I saw the newest Indiana Jones movie, whose title is "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". I expected a typical adventure-movie that includes action, some explosions, a lot of jokes and a funny story - characteristic things for the older films of the series.

But I was badly disappointed! There were aliens in the movie! Imagine: aliens in an adventure-movie! You can't do that at all, it's a no-go! That's just not Indiana Jones. I don't want to see a sci-fi-film!

Also the story was deadly unrealistic. An example: At the beginning, a nuclear bomb explode, when Indy was just hiding in a fridge - but, of course, it was no problem for our hero to hold the door closed, even when he hurtled several kilometers because of the explosion. Or: Indy meet his son and ex-girlfriend during his adventure. At the end, they married. It's so cheesy!

What was good in the film: Of course, the music, especially the famous Indy-melody ("datadadaaaa, datadaaaa - you know... ;) that is a real catchy tune. The special effects were also okay, but that's something you await from a big Hollywood blockbuster, don't you? And there were some funny jokes in it.

At all, I wouldn't recommend watching the movie in theatres. It's a sleeper! You do better, when you go to rent one of the old movies.

But here, for those who are interested: Watch the trailer on

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

Martin! You've spoiled the movie for me!!! Aliens in Indian Jones? I can't believe it. I'm gonna see it anyways, of course.